Sermon preached by Matthew DelValle on March 5, 2023 at First Baptist Church in Delphi, Indiana. First Baptist Church is an evangelical church in Delphi, Indiana helping people find and follow Jesus. Our mission is to declare God’s truth, disciple God’s people, delight in God’s Son, and display God’s glory. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30am. Sunday School begins at 9:30am. We gather at 103 S. Indiana Street, Delphi, Indiana 46923.
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Main Point: If you reject the Good Shepherd, you will be deserted, perish, and die. But if you receive the Good Shepherd, you will be protected, cherished, and live.
1. Act 1: A Deriding Dirge of Coming Judgment [Zech. 11:1–3]
2. Act 2: A Dramatic Rejection of the Prophetic Shepherd [Zech. 11:4–14]
A. Declaration [Zech. 11:4–6]
1) Command [Zech. 11:4; cf. Hos. 1:2; Isa. 20; Ezek. 4; 1 Pet. 5:1–5]
2) Compassionless [Zech. 11:5; cf. 10:2; Jer. 23:1–2; Ezek. 34; Matt. 9:36]
3) Consequence [Zech. 11:6; cf. 2 Kgs. 25:1–21]
B. Dramatization [Zech. 11:7–14]
1) Shepherding [Zech. 11:7–8; cf. Jer. 52:6, 12; Isa. 53:3; John 1:11–12]
2) Sentencing [Zech. 11:9–11; cf. Matt. 10:5–15; 24:1–2; Rom. 1:18–32]
3) Suffering [Zech. 11:7, 11; cf. Deut. 28:36, 63–64; Rom. 11:5]
4) Severance [Zech. 11:12–13; cf. Gen. 37:28; Exod. 21:32; Matt. 27:3–10; Jer. 32:6–9]
5) Separation [Zech. 11:10, 14; cf. 1 Kgs. 12; Jer. 3:8; Rom. 11:17–24]
3. Act 3: A Dramatic Installment of the Foolish Shepherd [Zech. 11:15–17]
A. Disregards [Zech. 11:16a; cf. Matt. 18:12; Luke 15:4–6; 19:10; 1 Pet. 2:24–25]
B. Devours [Zech. 11:16b; cf. John 10:10]
C. Deserts [Zech. 11:17a; cf. John 10:12–13; Rev. 7:17]
D. Destroyed [Zech. 11:17; cf. Matt. 21:41; 23:33–35; 2 Thess. 2:8–12]